Monday, August 24, 2009

There are some things you just never want to hear.....

......and being told your hard drive is not recoverable is toward the top of the list.

So this will be brief as I'm writing this from my iPhone.

1. This week I am doing a other round of free bootcamps. Bring a beach towel and a water bottle. Last weeks classes went amazingly well and I am looking for an even better turn out this week.

2. I got 5 weeks until my next race and training is being dialed up a notch. I will try and post about my training rides and how I am structuring them and why.

3. I finished 2 books last week and both are must reads:
"the power of now" by Eckhart Tolle and "it's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it" by W Mitchell. I liked the ladder of the two as it was an easier read and not quite as deep. "The power of now" is an amazing book don't getvme wrong, I learned a lot about how to live a positive life but it's one of those books you need to read a couple times before it really sinks in.

I'm now reading a book called "the joy of living" by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a tibetean Buddhist and "the new rules of lifting" by Lou schuler and alwyn cosgrove.

4. I get my body fat retested this weekend and I'm stoked! Can't wait to share the news so stay tuned.

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