Monday, August 3, 2009

I think I have officially lost my noodle

I have been thinking about this for a while and I can't believe I'm about to say this but I am about to do something that my business coach is going to kill me for doing.

Starting Monday August 17th, 2-weeks from today, I will be doing 14 free bootcamps over the course of 6 days.

That's right, I said FREE. No charge, no nothing. Show up, train hard, meet some new people and have some fun.

Normally I charge $49 per week for 3 session, so you are instantly saving fifty bucks right off the top.

Now, I know what you are prolly thinking, and no I haven't gone completely off the reservation. I am just about half way there.

So, I say again, starting Monday August 17th, I will be doing 14 COMPLETELY FREE bootcamps.

Bring friends, family or whoever. I will keep blogging with updates, times and location (hint, we are going someplace new). If you are interested, just post a comment here or send me an email.

Anyone seen me lately? I think I might be lost....


I'm not lost just busy.

First things, I hate Cox and not just because I'm a heterosexual male. I prefer women and that's the way I like it. But I do not like the cable company Cox right now. The internet at my house has been out for the last 2 days and it's intermittent with the connection right now. Not that that has kept me from posting, but that's one good reason.

The other, is that I took off down to Los Angeles for a little event you may have heard of. Its called X-Games. I got the pleasure of hanging poolside at The Standard hotel with Adriana from some show called The Hills, drank some beverages with some pro skaters and the owner of DC Shoe Co, and watched some rapper guy named Fabulous perform. It was a grand time. The 100+ miles of traffic on the way home did suck though.

Tangents over. Back to business

Today is Day 1 of my Skinny Jeans challenged and I'm excited for the group. While I didn't get as many people in the program as I would like, the one's that are in are very excited to get going and these next 8 weeks will push them to their limits, with the hopes of getting down 2 pant sizes.

Also, a couple announcements. The return of my bootcamps is here. I will be doing a new format, with new toys (can you say kettlebells and blast straps), new location and finally new pricing format.

Secondly, I will be offering free bootcamps for people interested in donating money for the American Heart Association, Heart Walk here in Santa Barbara. Details forthcoming.

Last but not least, I should have my website up and running by this time next week. It has taken me a while to get here but if everything works out, it should be ready. Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, I almost forgot. In case anyone cares, I bought a new truck last week thanks to the government and their Cash For Klunkers deal. I am now styling in a '09 Toyota Tacoma.

I love the smell of a new car......