Sunday, September 13, 2009

Focus ladies!

I've been trying to tell women that they need to lift weights and when they ask questions, for some reason they just like what I have to say. They ask things like "how do I get tone?" or "I want a round ass, how do I get it?" But when I tell them to lift some weight and bust your ass in the weight room, their response is something like this: "But I don't want to look like one of those bodybuilder type things".

I swear, hearing things like that is the reason why I am bald.

Since apparently I am crazy by trying to get women to lift weights, here is another voice saying the same thing.

Courtesy of Jason Ferrugia:

You have to lift weights. That would be my first piece of advice for the ladies. You can’t just do cardio and expect to get in great shape. It will never, ever happen. There is no worse look for a girl than a flat, pancake ass that doesn’t’ even fill out your jeans. You have to squat and deadlift if you want to get that round, bangin’ Jessica Biel type butt that every girl is after.

If you are adamantly opposed to lifting weights then you at least have to do bodyweight exercises that will be challenging enough that you can’t do more than ten reps per set. Chin ups, dips, pushups, pistol squats, lunges, inverted rows and tons of other moves with the TRX are all great choices. High reps with light weights will do absolutely nothing and are a complete waste of your time.

There is no definition for the word tone. You can either build muscle or lose fat. And that is what most females should be trying to do. While you can’t tone you can increase muscle tonus. That is basically the appearance of the muscle at rest. And the only way to get that rock solid look is through heavy resistance training. Simply doing cardio and lifting light weights won’t cut it.

To see your abs and definition in your arms and shoulders your body fat has to be very low. The only way to get it there is through a strict fat loss diet and non traditional cardio methods. Ditch the steady state stuff and opt for sprints instead.