Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brand New, highly scientific stuff

So I'm going to try something over the next couple weeks just to prove a point to people. When talking to people about the benefits of lifting heavy weights and metabolic conditioning, people are extremely hesitant. They say stupid things like "I don't want to look like a body builder" or "I don't want to be one of those fitness models".

Well guess what morons, couple things: A. bodybuilders do steroids, you don't and B. fitness models and bodybuilders have the most insane, strict diets you could imagine and finally, besides amazing genetics, C. they train their asses off usually twice a day and have been doing it for YEARS!

I feel better now.

With all that being said, I am doing a little personal, highly scientific research on none other than myself.

What I'm going to do is record my heart rate during my lifting sessions and compare that to results from steady state cardio. What I am trying to prove is that lifting heavy weights can do more for your body than only doing steady state cardio.

Today was my first recording session. So here is what my training with heart rate looked like:

dynamic warm-up

A1. Single Arm Kettlebell swings - 6x7 -- 30 sec rest, 26kg bell
B1. Barbell Split Squats - 6x4 -- 40 sec rest, 175 lbs
C1. Snatch Grip RDL - 4x7 -- 15 sec rest, 225 lbs
C2. Double Leg Hip Extension Leg Curl -- 4x7 -- 90 sec rest, BW

Avg heart rate = 120
Max heart rate = 160
Total time lifting = 24 min, 56 sec.

So in 25 minutes, my heart rate was in a zone considered to be decent for steady state cardio but I was also stimulating more than just nothing. I was lifting heavy shit and getting my heart rate up, as evidenced by my max HR hitting 160 bpm.

Keep in the loop regarding this as I will post once a week or so my training for the day and my results from my heart rate readings.

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