Friday, June 26, 2009

Facebook and the perils of living vicariously through the internet

Facebook is the devil of the internet and I am not the only person who thinks this. It's pretty much a waste of time and a total time suck.

Yet it does have its good points, you can figure out all the stupid things people do with their daily lives.

"Hey look, Suzy just ate a donut and liked it! That crazy girl"

or you see something like this

"I feel fat today. I'm going to go run 37 miles"

You can learn a lot about the miss-education of people by what the post on Facebook. They will tell you exactly what they don't know and why they don't know it. The hard thing is, most people are resistant to change and think that they know everything (hint: I am not one of those people).

See there is still the old school mentality when it comes to fat loss that states, if you want to lose weigh, you need to run like your training for the Boston Marathon. Now trainers and our clients know, because we read and actually learn something, that steady state cardio does not have the same fat burning benefits as interval training, or interval training paired with a resistance training program.

Is steady state cardio good? I think it has its place but not for fat loss.

If you need to shed some pounds, break the rules once and a while and do what is going to get you the results you want, FASTER. Go to the track and do some sprint intervals, run stair intervals, take a metabolic training class, hell go as so far as to lift weights or (gasp) eat good, healthy foods!

If not, that wedding dress still won't fit you in 3 months.

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