Sunday, January 24, 2010

Simple is not fast and fast is not easy.

There is a quote by my friend and mentor Alwyn Cosgrove that I read recently regarding fat loss but I can't remember exactly how it goes. So instead of completely butchering a wonderful quote, today's post is all about trying to capture the idea of what he was trying to say.

When it comes to fat loss there are two ways: Simple and fast. Fair enough? Now let's really break it down so we can understand exactly what AC was trying to get across.

As a society, we are lazy and complacent. We don't want to work hard and we don't want to eat right…..we just want that magic little pill or that perfect infomercial to get us to our goals. Even Taco Hell is now jumping on the bandwagon saying that instead of eating their shitty normal menu, you can now order off their less than shitty menu to lose fat.

Whatever happened to doing it the old fashioned way?

I will tell you what happened, people finally realized that fat loss wasn't not simple, fast or easy. See, when it comes to fat loss, you can have one or the other, but not all three.

If you really break it down and get all scientific, fat loss is truly very simple: eat less, move more. Really, it is that simple. The problem is that people come up with these ridiculous excuses as to why they can't eat less and move more. The best excuse is "I don't have enough time". Let me be frank here, eating less takes less time and to move more does not take more time either. Try parking your car 5 spots further from the grocery store or take the stairs. Either will take 30 seconds out of your day. Think you can spare that?

Now, fat loss can truly be very fast, but it sure as hell isn't easy. Don't believe me? I have personally tried two of the, in my opinion, hardest diets on the planet. One is called The Velocity Diet and the other is called Warped Speed Fat Loss. Both are 28 day programs that will push you past your own psychological limits, as well as push your body to the limits of what you thought was physically possible. AND THEY ARE BOTH HARD AS HELL! They will both strip the fat off your body in less than 30 days and give you that shredded look you so desire. Again, these are two of the fastest diets around but they are also two of the hardest; fast but far from easy.

As for easy, when it comes to fat loss, there is no such thing. To lose fat, you must watch what you eat, you must do some high intensity interval training and you must lift weights. All of which are a recipe for hard work and determination. The good thing is, that when you are done, you CAN have that body you want and you CAN have that look you want. Just remember, if you want fat loss fast, it ain't easy, if you want fat loss made simple it ain't fast and lastly if you want fat loss made easy, go to some other trainer because he will be as full of shit as your excuses are.

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